Thursday, June 2, 2011

Welcome to Super Natural Mommy

I would like to welcome you to Super Natural Mommy.

I don't know if I am just "at that stage in life" or it's a babyboom, but I find myself smack dab in the middle of a bunch of other new mommies, expectant mommies, and friends trying to conceive.  I also find myself replying to emails, calls, and texts asking for prayer, encouragement, and advice...mostly regarding natural conception and childbirth.  From encouraging these ladies, I have in turn been encouraged by write a blog.  So here we go.  After months of consideration, mulling over ideas, and just plain busyness of being a new mom, we begin.

My hope for this blog is to provide a little insight into conception, childbirth, and parenting the natural way with a heaping helping of personal experience, a side of research, and sprinkles of humor (heavy on the sprinkles).

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