Wednesday, June 8, 2011

DFW Holistic Pediatrician Recommend

If you are in search mode for a pediatrician in the DFW metroplex that integrates holistic practices, then you might want to look into Healthy Kids Pediatrics in Frisco, TX.

I had originally thought Lily and I would be in Korea soon after she was born, so I just took her to my primary care physician who accepts babies as well, but isn't his focus (and neither is holistic medicine).  And if you have the military health insurance provider Tricare Prime, you know what a hassle it is to find a doctor that you like that accepts it.  Once we decided to stay on America's beautiful soil and just let Daddy do his year and come back to us, I began searching for a pediatrician that practiced primarily with a holistic approach.  I found Dr. Deborah Z. Bain's website and asked my chiro if she knew of her.  She smiled from ear to ear and said she knew her and they referred to one another.  I completely respect my chiropractor's opinion (Here's Dr. Kristi Corder's website).  I am blessed to call her a friend as well.  (She will be joining Super Natural Mommy as a writer soon. ) I was in.  I had to switch Lily to Tricare Standard to be able to see her, but was glad to do it. 

Switching from Prime to Standard was surprisingly simple.  I say surprisingly because nothing has been simple with the Army in my one year's experience.  You just have to disenroll from Prime.   You can mail a form or disenroll online.  I am new to the Army and found this page and it's links to be helpful:  HealthNet Federal Services

We saw Christie Duffy, M.S., R.N., C.P.N.P.  and I am so very pleased.  It was the first doctor's visit I have ever had in which I didn't have to be on the defensive in the least.  It's one thing to have to defend your health choices for yourself to your doctor.  But we are talking about my child now.  This little helpless, new body that our gracious God has entrusted Tim and I to look after.  It's a whole new ballgame.  Before I would take her to her monthly checkups with her first Doc, I had to psych myself up to stand firm with our choices for Lily's health (respectfully, of course). Thankfully he was accepting of our philosophy and had a very no-pressure approach, however his own philosophy just didn't line up with ours and that was okay.

When I left Lily's appointment today, I got in the car and let out a big sigh of relief.  I felt like there was a mutual respect between Christie and I.  Instead of feeling rushed, I was given plenty of time to ask questions, and I felt reassured and encouraged.  I was given excellent advice, info, and direction for now, and what's to come over the next few months. If I can't find an equally amazing pediatric office near Fort Hood once we are stationed there, I guarrandangtee you we will be making the trek to Frisco. 

If you are in the same think-tank as I am with your family's health, you can probably relate to the insecurity and uncertainty I carry in regards to doctor's visits.  In my experience with my own health, doctors can be insincere and condescending.  I would leave feeling defeated like there was no other choice for me.  On one occasion I had a sore throat and my doctor couldn't tell me if it was viral or bacterial but wanted to put me on antibiotics.  I asked if there was something natural I could try first and she literally laughed  at me and called me a "health-nut" ... in a tone that was definitely NOT complimentary.  Really?  You're calling me a health-nut?  That was my last visit with her. 

I am still searching for a Doc for myself in DFW that takes Tricare Prime (which I am still on).   I'd like for the doc to be a health-nut like me.  Let me know if you have a recommend!


  1. You are my favorite health "nut", and I'm glad you found the right fit for you and sweet Lils :)


  2. LOVE!!! Have you looked to see if Dr. Chartrand in Richardson takes Tricare Prime? Or Dr. Bekker in Dallas? I think Dr. Bekker is an M.D., but uses almost all homeopathics in his office. Just a few suggestions. :-) And thanks for the shout out!

  3. Thanks Kristi! Will look into those docs :)

  4. Hi. I'm new to the north Dallas area and when searching for integrative Peds online when I came across your post. I love the philosophy of Healthy Kids, ...but every single person I've talked to that has been there has issues with Dr. Bain's bedside manor, and end up going elsewhere. I didn't realize there was another doctor there now - is this not the case with the doc you saw?

  5. I highly recommend Dr. Randy Nadoo - my dayghter pediatritian. Here is his site

  6. I really like the fresh perspective you did on the issue. I will be back soon to check up on new posts for doctor in Frisco ! Thank you!
