Wednesday, June 22, 2011

If You Vaccinate, Ask 8

Ok, so there have been some requests to blog on vaccinations. That's a pretty broad topic, so I'll start with some basics and then blog in more detail later.

With autism rates skyrocketing, deaths from Gardasil making the news, and all the hype over the Swine Flu vaccine the past couple of years, people are really beginning to question the safety and efficacy of vaccines. Just as with any other drug out on the market, there are side effects and risks and some people are more likely than others to suffer these side effects. I research many vaccines on the CDCs website...straight from the source...and even there I will find contradictions. But one of the best websites out there is the National Vaccine Information Center. They have a great "8" list of questions to ask yourself if you decide to vaccinate (or not-vaccinate).

1) Am I or my child sick right now?
2) Have I or my child had a bad reaction to a vaccination before?
3) Do I or my child have a personal or family history of vaccine reactions, neurological disorders, severe allergies or immune system problems?
4) Do I know the disease and vaccine risks for myself or my child?
5) Do I have full information about the vaccine's side effects?
6) Do I know how to identify and report a vaccine reaction?
7) Do I know I need to keep a written record, including the vaccine manufacturer's name and lot number, for all vaccinations?
8) Do I know I have the right to make an informed choice?

I'll go into more detail later what it means if you answer yes or no to each of these individual questions. But for now, I'll say this...if you have ANY hesitation about vaccinating your child (whether with one or all vaccines), just postpone it. Research the particular vaccine you have questions about so that you can make an informed decision. Remember, whether they get the illness/disease or they get the damage from the vaccine, you will have to live with your choice and be comfortable knowing what you chose for them. They have no voice!

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