Thursday, June 16, 2011

Digging With Daddy

Super Natural Mommy isn't just about the Mommies.  We love Daddies, too.  We would like to wish all the Daddies out there a Happy Father's Day!

At the first of the year, my dad gets at his parent's backyard with the tiller.

My grandparents have been growing pretty much anything you'd like to eat in their big backyard since before I was born.  This makes for some pretty nutrient rich soil.  This would be the very place I learned to love all things nature.  My most favorite childhood memories are playing in their backyard.  A kid's imagination can really run wild when they are left to play in a place such as that with all their cousins.  We ran snail colonies, our own "bakery", and were missionaries to Nigeria (with British accents, of course).

I can remember my PaPa T.C. kneeling down with some seeds in his big hand over some loose, dark soil, teaching me about how things grow.  He liked to teach about the nature of God right along with it.  He is a man of few words, but one of the most faithful and kind I have ever, and will ever know.  If you have the pleasure of knowing Turner Churchful Johnson, then you know you're blessed.

Now he is getting advanced in his years and his hair is white.  He still loves to play in the dirt, but my dad, Kenny has taken over the grunt work, which he loves.  He takes a lot of pride in tending the family garden...and every now and then his kiddos will get a random text message of a pile of veggies.

June 2010
One day last summer, I went over to help in the garden.  I got my straw hat on, all set up to repel bugs, and proceeded to get dirty.  It was a good time, but I got tired quick.  Dad said the last 2 years in Colorado made me soft.

I had told my Grandma and PaPa I was going to give them a foot treatment so I figured I should do that before I was totally spent.  They love massage and spa treatments.  When I was doing massage full-time, my PaPa would come up and get one almost every week, only to fall asleep 3 minutes in.  My grandma, Peggy sparked my interest in bodywork when I was very young when she showed me a Reflexology chart.  I get my massaging talents from her as well.  There is one technique I use on the trapezius muscle in particular that I call "The Grandma."  It hurts, but it'll untie a knot.

After they were pampered and everything cleaned up, I was done.  I hopped in the Jeep and before I got to the end of their street, I felt like I could sleep for a week.  I thought maybe Dad was right.  CO must have taken a little TX out of me.  In a couple weeks I would discover I was pregnant!

Cut to one year later...while my daughter napped inside her great-grandparents house, I was in their backyard pickin' with my Daddy.

Yes, that's an Angry Bird

June 2011
If you don't have a family garden, I'd encourage you to start one.  If you don't have any earth to till, start with a seed in a pot.  Having such a project is inexpensive, and a great opportunity to teach your children the importance of being a good steward of the planet's resources, and how food gets to their plate ... not to mention the spiritual parallels ... they are endless.

that's good pickins'

Romans 1:19‑20
  "What may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities - his eternal power and divine nature - have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse."

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