Sunday, June 12, 2011

Introducing Contributor: Jaime Kimmons

Hello! I am Jaime Kimmons and I am also new to blogging. I am honored, Jen, that you included me in your "staff" on this blog!

I am not officially a Super Natural Mommy yet, but I am 8 months pregnant and expecting my daughter the beginning of August.

I am 29 years old and from Irving, Texas. I moved up to Maryland for college and ended up staying a few extra years. A turning point in my life - and in my views about health - happened October 2006 when my mom was diagnosed with inflammatory breast cancer. My mom commenced chemotherapy immediately and I moved back to the DFW area to care for her. She passed only 2 months later.

Prior to this point I was very much in the medical mindset. I had worked at a physicians' office for 6 years and was very knowledgeable about prescriptions, medical testing, vaccines, etc. I remember at one point snickering about a patient who came in and wanted to know what vitamins to take and what food to eat to avoid cancer. "Good luck, lady", I thought. My mom was a registered nurse and, consequently, all of us kids regularly took medication for allergies, headaches, etc.

However, as I was instructed by my mom's oncologist to administer daily morphine and a cornucopia of other medication (in addition to chemo), I couldn't help but feel that I was killing her faster than the cancer was. I thought there had to be another way. But I lacked the knowledge and resources to do anything differently.

A few months after she passed, I started working for a chiropractor. Everything I learned was a total 180 from what I had previously thought, but I was at a point in my life where I was ready to hear it. My husband and I began regular chiropractic visits - 4 years later we still go twice a week - and we immediately started seeing changes. My life-long allergies were non-existent as well as my constant headaches. We started learning about nutrition and toxins, etc. Slowly our entire outlook on health and wellness changed.

Fast-forward to the present - being pregnant with a girl inspires me even more to make sure I do everything in my power to make sure she doesn't have breast cancer one day (or any illnesses, really!).

I am planning on delivering naturally at a birth center which I will talk about in future blogs. The best part of living a natural, alternative health lifestyle is the absence of fear. I used to fear the Russian roulette of cancer and other diseases, and felt powerless. With the more I research and read, I have less fear and more confidence - and I can't wait to teach my daughter.

1 comment:

  1. You are TOO a super natural mommy already!!! Love you, and love this. Thanks for sharing.
