Thursday, June 9, 2011

Introducing Contributor: Kristi Corder


I'm Kristi (or Dr. Kristi as some call me).

Thanks to Jennifer for allowing me to be a part of her wonderful blog. I'm new to all this blogging stuff, so bear with me.

I am 33 years old. I was born and raised in Hobbs, NM where I went to elementary school, junior high, high school, and college. I was 22 when I finally moved here to the DFW area. The reason: chiropractic school....which started my journey into natural healthcare. I am married to my hubby of 9 years and we have 3 wonderful kiddos...lets call them A1 (3 years old), A2 (3 years old), and baby boy (8 months). Yes, that's right, we have twins, and they were conceived naturally. I'll have to blog about their birth story later. We live in Savannah, TX and I have an office both in my home as well as in Irving, TX.

My parents took me to the chiropractor even when I was young, but I didn't really know much about the chiropractic philosophy when I started chiropractic school. I just knew that I wanted to be a doctor without having to be in school forever. But by the end of the first trimester at Parker College of Chiropractic, I knew this was the profession for me. I was just amazed at what our body was capable of doing if we just treated it right. More blogging to come in regards to chiropractic care.

I'm not perfect, my family is not perfect, nor do I expect anyone else to be, but we try our best to live healthy in our household. The kids have all been adjusted since birth and we all get adjusted on a regular basis. They have all been breastfed...the twins until 2 1/2 years old, and baby boy is still currently nursing. We introduce fruits and veggies as their first foods...the girls took to purees just fine, but with baby boy we are doing baby-led weaning. We all take quality nutritional supplements from Standard Process and Mediherb. We all drink water primarily. And we continuously try to substitute non-nutritious ingredients with more nutritious and healthy ingredients in our meals. This weekend will be our first time to buy raw milk from a local farmer...our kids have never drank milk bought from the store. More on that later!

It's so awesome to be able to show people how healthy children can truly be. My girls are almost 4 years old and they have never had a single medication, a hospital visit, or a sick visit to their doctor. I truly believe that this has only been accomplished because of our healthy lifestyle and our use of natural/homeopathic remedies for minor illnesses.

I'm so excited to be a part of this blog and can't wait to contribute more!

1 comment:

  1. Yay! You're in! Interested to hear about the raw milk experience.
