Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Quinoa Turkey Nuggets

The last couple months have been travel, virus, cut a tooth, rinse, repeat.  This has turned my little Miss Piggy into Miss Picky.  Mealtime is a struggle these days, and if your toddler doesn't eat, sleeping schedules are askew and patience is thin.

Last night I stuffed some peppers with a quinoa, turkey conglomeration, something that my girl used to devour.  She spit it out (at least on her plate this time).  I had a whole lot of the stuffing left over, so I threw together some nuggets from it that passed the toddler test.

Forgive me.  I hate math and measuring, which is why I hardly ever post my own recipes.  I love to just eyeball and throw things together for the fun of it.  Here is a rough recipe of the ...

Quinoa (prounounced "Keen-waah") 
Turkey Nuggets

Cooked Quinoa
Cooked Ground Turkey
Spinach (cooked or not)
Cheese (I tore up a slice of Havarti, but Parmesan would be great)
1 egg 
Garlic Salt
Coconut Flour
All Purpose Flour

Set Aside
Coconut Oil
Dipping Sauce(s)

Made 1 dozen, enough to share
*Please note that all the ingredients are pure, organic, and unprocessed.*

Coat your pans (I had 2 going) with a standing layer coconut oil or other oil you like.  
Medium Heat.
Roll your Nugget mix into balls and flatten.
---- If your mix is feeling a little dry and/or falling apart, add more of your quinoa/turkey, maybe even another egg if you have a big batch.  If it's sticking to your hands, coat your hands with flour and/or add more to your mixture. ----
Place them in the heated pans.  Cook on both sides till golden.  I turned mine after about 6 minutes, but your burners may cook differently.  Check them after a few mins and see if they are to the level of crispiness you like.
Transfer to a plate with paper towels to soak up (not much) oil.  Or not.  Coconut Oil is GREAT for every system of your body.  My daughter takes a spoonful straight out of the jar every morning with breakfast.  It's a powerful probiotic.
Don't forget your dipping sauces.  I wanted to have greek yogurt with some lemon juice, but it wasn't thawed.  I opted for homemade honey mustard and ranch, which was a hit with the girly.

Full tummies.
Nice nap.
Good Day.

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